
Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School

"For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek."

—Romans 1:16

Not sure how to select your curriculum? This can help: Choosing VBS Curriculum

Featured VBS Curriculum

Wonder Junction:
Marvel at Jesus, Live for His Glory
(Answers in Genesis)

Theme Focus:

Howdy, partners! Welcome to Wonder Junction! There’s no greater joy than to praise the name of the Lord all day long. But how can yer kids do that if they don’t know who Jesus is or what he’s done for them?

Here at Wonder Junction, we marvel at Jesus and live for his glory.

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Starter Kit:
$98 plus shipping

Digital Starter Kit: $233 plus shipping

Super Starter Kit: $188 plus shipping

Digital Super Starter Kit:
$269 plus shipping

Digital Kits are non-returnable.

Kits are available to purchase from Answers in Genesis as well as from our online store

FLBC Summer Teams:

FLBC Summer Teams will be using AIG's Wonder Junction VBS.

More Curricula

Concordia Publishing House


Epic Australian Adventure


An epic adventure through Australia, where students will learn that we are guided by our Savior, Jesus.

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Encouraging kids to look closely at the details of God’s amazing world and magnify the greatness of God.
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New Growth Press


Proof Pirates


Showing kids God’s amazing grace, and that it is not their performance that makes them right with God.

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Northwestern Publishing House


Ready, Set, Gold!

An Olympics theme to show how we willingly do all things for God because He gives us the ultimate victory in Christ.
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Northwestern Publishing House


Build on the Rock

Build on the Rock will help students learn solid biblical truths on which they can build for years to come.
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Northwestern Publishing House


Set Sail!

Gather your shipmates and see them faithfully travel the waters of life with God as their captain.
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Northwestern Publishing House


Dive In!

Find treasure in God’s Word as you “dive in” to the Scriptures.
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Northwestern Publishing House


Space Station Salvation

Lead your kids on a journey of faith across the universe in Space Station Salvation!
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Kidmin Science

$329.99 each

Kidmin Science

Step into the Lab of Science VBS and discover amazing truths from God’s Word. Three fully downloadable curriculum options are available directly from When you purchase Science VBS, you get access to every file, video, poster, video training, and more.
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RETURN POLICY:  Most items may be returned if they are unopened and in new condition. Kits must be received by August 5.

Other resources

VBS Teacher Training: Are You Ready
Equipping volunteers to teach and lead is an essential part of getting ready for your VBS program!

Sharing the Gospel
Resources and a variety of ways to share the Gospel with all ages.

Beyond VBS
Don’t forget to follow up with students after VBS and provide tools to help them continue to grow in their Christian faith! Great take-home gifts available for under $5.00.

Illustrated Songs 
Music is a wonderful way to learn Bible truths! Select one or two of these beautiful visual songs to use through the entire week of VBS.