Mother of the Reformation: The Amazing Life and Story of Katharine Luther

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An intimate picture of Katie and of family life in the Black Cloister during the formative years of the Reformation, showing how Katie’s marriage to Martin Luther was a multifaceted vocation.

This readable, fresh translation of one of the standard biographical works on Katie Luther presents a compelling portrait for those desiring to know more about this quietly influential Reformation character.

Spring ’24
required FLBC textbook for History of Christianity course, taught by Pr. Steven Mundfrom, Professor of Systematic Theology and Church History.
* One out of a choice of six optional books will be required reading.

Spring ’22
required FLBC textbook for Church History course, taught by Pr. Steven Mundfrom, Professor of Systematic Theology and Church History.
* One out of a choice of eight optional books will be required reading.