Luther’s Small Catechism and Explanation


$12.00 each for 20+ of the hardcover catechisms


The Intersynodical Translation adopted by the Lutheran Free Church in 1929 and continued by the AFLC. New updated edition published in 2007.

Spring ’25
Required FLS textbook for Introduction to Lutheran Thought course taught by Pr. Steve Mundfrom, Professor of Systematic Theology and Church History.

Spring ’23
Required FLS textbook for Lutheran Symbolics course taught by Pr. Steven Mundfrom, Professor of Systematic Theology and Church History.

Spring ’21
Required FLS textbook for Lutheran Symbolics course taught by Pr. Steve Mundfrom, Professor of Systematic Theology.

Spring ’20
Required FLS textbook for Lutheran Symbolics course taught by Pr. Steve Mundfrom, Professor of Systematic Theology.
Recommended FLBC textbook for Principles of Congregational Life course taught by Pr. Lloyd Quanbeck.

Fall ’18
Required FLS textbook for Lutheran Symbolics course taught by Pr. Steve Mundfrom, Professor of Systematic Theology.