Lutheran Theology of the Holy Spirit: From Luther to the Writers of the Formula of Concord



Questions about Lutherans and the Holy Spirit? This book probes Lutheranism from Luther to the Formula of Concord (1517–1577) and presents a striking consistency regarding the Holy Spirit among Lutheran Reformers. The Holy Spirit dominated Luther’s writing, not only in theology, but in all aspects of living out God’s will. Six of the theologians researched in this book were also pastors dealing with enormous challenges from government interference, war, religious disputes, and, as Luther declared, “The rage of the devil.” The solution was not brilliant arguments or “best practices.” The solution to a Christian’s guilty conscience or lukewarm faith was not trying harder or doing good works. Rather, it was to confess failure, to eliminate self-dependence, and to cry out to the Holy Spirit, who alone is totally sufficient in every situation.

Theologians, pastors, missionaries, Sunday-school teachers, workers and retirees, moms and dads, students and kids—everyone—is powerless to accomplish anything in the kingdom of God. Only the Holy Spirit is able to change hearts and meet needs. He graciously responds to all who call. Yes, the work of the Holy Spirit and his power is Lutheran, for Luther in the sixteenth century and for Lutherans today.

Spring ’25
Required FLS textbook for Spirit & the Church course taught by Dr. Nathan Olson, Professor of New Testament and Systematic Theology.