Hermeneutics: Principles and Processes of Biblical Interpretation

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This accessible text, which combines hermeneutical theory with practical steps for exegesis, has been translated into eight languages and has been used in a variety of settings to teach students how to study the Bible responsibly. The authors outline a five-step hermeneutical procedure that includes: (1) historical-cultural and contextual analysis, (2) lexical-syntactical analysis, (3) theological analysis, (4) genre identification and analysis, and (5) application. The second edition adds co-author Karelynne Gerber Ayayo and includes updated material covering developments in hermeneutics over the past twenty years.

Fall ’23
Required FLS textbook for Hermeneutics course taught by Pr. Steve Mundfrom Professor of Systematic Theology and Church History.

Fall ’22
Required FLS textbook for Hermeneutics course taught by Dr. Jerry Moan, Professor of New Testament.

Fall ’21
Required FLS textbook for Hermeneutics course taught by Dr. Jerry Moan, Professor of New Testament.

Fall ’20
Required FLS textbook for Hermeneutics and Expository Preaching I course taught by Dr. Jerry Moan, Professor of New Testament.