Foreign to Familiar: A Guide to Understanding Hot- and Cold-Climate Cultures


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If the world were roughly divided into “hot climate” and “cold climate” cultures, what could one half of humankind learn from the other? Lanier—the daughter of missionaries and an experienced world traveler—writes insightfully on topics including relationship vs. task orientation; direct vs. indirect communication; individualism vs. group identity; and different concepts of hospitality.

Spring ’25
Required FLBC textbook for Cross-Cultural Ministry I course taught by Mr. Jon Nelson.

Spring ’24
Required FLBC textbook for Introduction to Cross-Cultural Ministry course taught by Mr. Jon Nelson.

Spring ’23
Required FLBC textbook for Introduction to Cross-Cultural Ministry course taught by Mr. Jon Nelson.

Spring ’22
Required FLBC textbook for Introduction to Cross-Cultural Ministry course taught by Mr. Jon Nelson.

Spring ’21
Required FLBC textbook for Introduction to Cross-Cultural Ministry course taught by Mr. Jon Nelson.

Spring ’20
Required FLBC textbook for Introduction to Cross-Cultural Ministry course, taught by Dr. Mark Olson.

Spring ’19
Required FLBC textbook for Introduction to Cross-Cultural Ministry course taught by Dr. Mark Olson.

In 2019, engaging in cross-cultural ministry may lead one to travel to a faraway location, or it may simply lead a Christian to minister to the new neighbors next door. In Foreign to Familiar, Sarah Lanier seeks to help Christians better understand different cultures and equip them to effectively engage in the ministry of the Gospel. Her subtitle for the book is A Guide to Understanding Hot- and Cold-Climate Cultures. This focus will help the Cross-Cultural Ministry class understand and prepare for the ministry opportunities they will have as they travel to and minister in Ecuador for two weeks in the Spring 2019 Semester.
—Dr. Mark Olson