Baptism and Spiritual Life



What is the meaning of baptism? How much water should be applied in baptism? Who should be baptized? What does the Bible say about baptism? Discover the answers to these questions in the following chapters: The Means of Grace, How to Interpret the Scriptures, All Are Sinners, The Value of Baptism, The Candidates of Baptism, The Form of Baptism, After Baptism–What? A workbook and teacher guide of the same title are also available.

Fall ’24
Recommended FLS textbook for Soteriology course taught by Pr. Steve Mundfrom, Professor of Systematic Theology and Church History.

Fall ’22
Recommended FLS textbook for Soteriology course taught by Pr. Steve Mundfrom, Professor of Systematic Theology and Church History.

Fall ’20
Required FLS textbook for Soteriology course taught by Pr. Steve Mundfrom, Professor of Systematic Theology and Church History.

Spring ’19
Required FLS textbook for Soteriology course taught by Pr. Steve Mundfrom, Professor of Systematic Theology and Church History.