According to Plan: The Unfolding Revelation of God in the Bible

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The massive diversity and complexity of the Bible can make it a daunting project for anyone to tackle. Getting a grasp on the unity of the Bible, its central message from Genesis to Revelation, helps immensely in understanding the meaning of any one book or passage. That is the goal of this book by Graeme Goldsworthy.

  • How do the Old and New Testaments fit together?
  • What is the point of biblical theology?
  • What is the overall story of the Bible?
  • What difference does it make?

Goldsworthy answers these questions with an integrated theology of both Old and New Testaments that avoids unnecessary technicalities. Concise, pithy chapters featuring dozens of charts, highlighted summaries and study questions make According to Plan an enormously useful book for understanding how the Bible fits together as the unfolding story of God’s plan for salvation.


Fall ’20
Recommended FLS textbook for Hermeneutics and Expository Preaching I course taught by Pr. Jerry Moan, Professor of New Testament.