Based on Luther’s Small Catechism for its structure and using Scripture as the primary text, FOUNDATIONS OF THE FAITH 1 and 2: This Is Most Certainly True introduces Confirmation age students to faith and theology in the Lutheran tradition. FOUNDATIONS 1 is thirty lessons on the authority of Scripture, the Ten Commandments, and the Apostles’ Creed with a focus on Law and Gospel. FOUNDATIONS 2 continues the Law and Gospel emphasis and focuses on prayer and the Lord’s Prayer, the Sacraments, an introduction to the Lutheran confessional writings, and the Fundamental Principles of the AFLC.
Each lesson is introduced with a Bible story or passage and text intended to lead the students into the topic of the lesson. The core of each lesson is the study of Scripture as it applies to the topic. The lessons are written in such a way as to allow freedom and flexibility to the teacher. The teacher and students are encouraged to use good educational practices including collaboration, inquiry, reading, and writing.
A Teacher’s Edition suggests possible answers to the questions in the student material. Also included in the Teacher’s Edition are ideas for class structure and process, ideas for introducing lessons, and ideas for supplementing conversation.
Foundations of the Faith downloadable curriculum is intended to be versatile and adaptable for somewhat varied ages and settings. Additional instructional notes and ideas will continue to be added with future editions, and purchasers of the curriculum are entitled to free upgrades.
The most current upgrade was posted on 7/13/22.
Foundations of the Faith 1 can be purchased here.
Foundations of the Faith 2 can be purchased here.
Scripture & Catechism Memorization
Cornell Notes Method of Taking Notes
Developing Our Curriculum

Though specific requirements for Scripture and Catechism memory work are not given in the individual lessons, we strongly encourage the teacher to regularly assign memorization of related Bible verses and portions from the Catechism. Minimally, students should memorize the main parts of the Catechism such as the Ten Commandments, Lord’s Prayer, Apostles’ Creed, and their meanings, as well as key Bible verses.
The student lessons in this curriculum are modeled after the Cornell Notes Method, which encourages students to write questions and summaries in their learning process.
This video briefly explains the method and its value.
Foundations of the Faith is intended to be a growing and developing curriculum. We hope to add more teaching ideas and supplements each year and would love to have your input as a user of the curriculum. Feedback can be emailed to parished@aflc.org.