The Gospel in the Congregation: A Study of the AFLC Fundamental Principles
Have you ever wondered why our AFLC is so focused on the congregation? Or why our congregations are so mission-minded? Or even why we are a fellowship of Lutheran congregations with no bishops, synods, or human authorities over us? These and many other questions will be answered in this biblically based study, The Gospel in the Congregation: A Study of the AFLC Fundamental Principles.
Looking for a way to further enhance your study of the AFLC Fundamental Principles? New study videos provide an exciting new way to take in each chapter’s introductory reading material. Perfect for group or individual study, these videos can be found here.
Spring ’25
Required FLBC textbook for Principles of Congregational Life course taught by Dr. Nathan Olson, Professor of New Testament and Systematic Theology.
Required FLS textbook for Spirit & the Church course taught by Dr. Nathan Olson, Professor of New Testament and Systematic Theology.
Spring ’24
Required FLBC textbook for Principles of Congregational Life course taught by Dr. Nathan Olson, Professor of New Testament and Systematic Theology.
“To understand the AFLC, one must understand the guiding principles that have been at the heart of who we are as a collection of churches that joined together in 1962. The Fundamental Principles have been a worthy guide to the AFLC and to its predecessor, the Lutheran Free Church. This study will help church councils and congregations understand who we have been, who we are, and ultimately who we should be as Free Lutheran congregations.”
— Dr. James Molstre
Dean, Free Lutheran Seminary
“The congregation is the means that God uses to reach a lost and dying world. Georg Sverdrup recaptured the biblical understanding of the New Testament congregation. This study serves as a practical guide for applying the Gospel to the congregation, the Bride of Christ—to free her and give her life.”
— Rev. John Lee
AFLC Missionary, Campo Maurão, Brazil
“When our Pastor suggested studying the twelve Fundamental Principles, I wasn’t too enthusiastic. I must admit, I was wrong. For me, studying these Fundamental Principles, being deeply and firmly rooted in the Word of God, has been an enriching and edifying experience. Basically, it has taught me what it means to be part of the body of believers in Jesus Christ—very enlightening.”
— Mrs. Kathy Vieselmeyer
AFLC Member, Deshler, Nebraska
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