If you see a resource you would like to review, please contact us at 763-412-2008, or by email at dianeb@aflc.org.
This list will be updated throughout the year with additional new resources. We also welcome recommendations for other Reformation resources to be considered.

* Resources that are crossed out or in red are ones that have been selected by other reviewers. You can click on them to go to the page with the review.

12 Reformation Hymns by Martin Luther by Rev. Gordon Waterman
The Adventures of Martin Luther by Carloyn Bergt
As Luther Taught the Word of Truth: Devotions on the Small Catechism by Richard E. Lauersdorf
Augsburg Confession and Its Apology by Kenneth C. Wagener
Augsburg Confession: Its Meaning for Our Day by Raynard Huglen
Augsburg Confession-pamphlet by Philip Melanchthon
The Barber Who Wanted to Pray by R. C. Sproul
Beyond the 95 Theses by Stephen J. Nichols
The Bondage of the Will by Martin Luther
Book of Concord edited by Theodore G. Tappert
Book of Concord-revised edited by Robert Kolb and Timothy Wengert
Boy Meets Luther by A. G. Joelsson
Brand Luther by Andrew Pettigree
Called to Believe: A Brief Introduction to Christian Doctrine by Steven P. Mueller
Called to Believe, Teach, and Confess: An Introduction to Doctrinal Theology by Steven P. Mueller
Christians Can Be Soldiers by Martin Luther
A Christian Holy People by Martin Luther
The Church Comes from All Nations: Luther Texts on Missions by Volker Stolle
Commentary on Galatians by Martin Luther 
Commentary on Peter & Jude by Martin Luther
Commentary on Romans by Martin Luther
Concordia: Lutheran Confessions–A Reader’s Edition of the Book of Concord edited by Paul T. McCain
Conservative Reformation and Its Theology by Charles P. Krauth
Convicted by the Spirit by Martin Luther 
Day by Day We Magnify You: Daily Readings for the Entire Year by Martin Luther
Day by Day: 365 Devotional Readings from Martin Luther by Martin Luther
Did My Baptism Count? by Martin Luther
Documents from the History of Lutheranism 1517-1750 edited by Eric Lund
Don't Tell Me That! by Martin Luther
ESV Lutheran Study Bible Concordia Publishing House 
Fabricated Luther: Refuting Nazi Connections and Other Modern Myths by Uwe Siemon-Netto
Faith Alone: A Daily Devotional by Martin Luther

Five & 500
The Freedom of a Christian by Martin Luther
The Freedom of a Christian, 1520: Annotated Luther, Study Edition by Martin Luther
The Genius of Luther’s Theology by Robert Kolb and Charles P. Arand
The Heroic Boldness of Martin Luther by Steven J. Lawson 
Here I Stand: A Life of Martin Luther by Roland Bainton
How is Christ There? by Martin Luther
How to Live a Christian Life by Martin Luther
The Hymns of Martin Luther by Peter C. Reske
Inside the Reformation edited by Mark Sengele
Katie Luther: Mother of the Reformation by Susan Leigh
Kitty, My Rib by E. Mall
Kregel Pictoral Guide to Church History, Vol. 4 by John D. Hannah
Large Catechism of Martin Luther by Martin Luther
The Legacy of Luther edited by R.C. Sproul and Stephen J. Nichols
The Life and Faith of Martin Luther by Adolph Fehlauer
Lift High This Cross: The Theology of Martin Luther by Eugene F. A. Klug
Listen! God Is Calling! Luther Speaks of Vocation, Faith, and Work by D. Michael Bennethum
Luther and His World by Graham Tomlin
Luther and the Stories of God: Biblical Narrative as a Foundation for Christian Living by Robert Kolb
Luther and World Mission: Historical and Systematic Study with Special Reference to Luther’s Bible Exposition by Ingmar Oberg
Luther Discovers the Gospel by Uuras Saarnivaara
Luther on Music: Paradigms of Praise by Carl Schalk
Luther on the Christian Life: Cross and Freedom by Carl R. Trueman
Luther on Vocation by Gustaf Wingren
Luther the Reformer: The Story of the Man and His Career by James M. Kittelson
Luther: Biography of a Reformer by Fredrick Nohl
Luther: Echoes of the Hammer by Susan Leigh
Luther: Servant of God by Victor Paulos
Lutheran Bible Companion, Vol. 1 edited by Edward A. Engelbrecht
Lutheran Bible Companion, Vol. 2 edited by Edward A. Engelbrecht
The Lutheran Difference by Edward A. Engelbrecht
Lutheranism 101 Concordia Pub. House
Lutheranism 101 for Kids by Shawn Kumm
Lutheranism 101: The Course by Julie and Scott Stiegemeyer
Luther's Family Devotions edited by Georg Link
Luther's Large Catechism w/study questions edited by Paul T. McCain
Luther's Large Catechism w/study questions edited by F. Samuel Janzow

Luther's Ninety-Five Theses by Martin Luther
Luther's Prayers by Martin Luther
Luther’s Protest: From 95 Theses to Reformation by John A. Braun
Luther's Small Catechism and Explanation by Martin Luther and H.U. Sverdrup
Luther's Small Catechism in Illustration-study guide by Martin Luther - Ambassador Publications 
Luther's Small Catechism-paperback by Martin Luther - Ambassador Publications
Luther's Works- any volume by Martin Luther
Martin Luther and the Enduring Word of God by Robert Kolb
Martin Luther and the Long Reformation: From Response to Reform in the Church By James G. Kiecker
Martin Luther Mini-Curriculum Concordia Publishing House
Martin Luther Timeline of Significant Events Concordia Publishing House
Martin Luther: A Guided Tour of His Life and Thought by Stephen J. Nichols
Martin Luther: A Man Who Changed the World by Paul L. Maier
Martin Luther: The Man Who Rediscovered God and Changed the World
Martin Luther: Reformer by Armin W. Schuetze
Martin Luther: Selections from His Writings edited by John Dillenberger
Martin Luther: The Great Reformer by John A. Morrison
Martin Luther’s 95 Theses by Martin Luther
Martin Luther's Catechisms: Forming the Faith by Timothy J. Wengert
Martin Luther's Christmas Book edited by Roland Bainton
Martin Luther's Easter Book edited by Roland Bainton

Martin Luther's Ninety-Five Theses edited by Stephen J. Nichols
Mother of the Reformation: Amazing Life & Story of Katharine Luther by Ernst Kroker
Mr. Pipes and Psalms and Hymns of the Reformation by Douglas Bond
Music in Early Lutheranism by Carl Schalk
On Christian Liberty by Martin Luther
Praying Luther’s Small Catechism by John Pless 
Reading the Bible with Martin Luther by Timothy J. Wengert
Reading the Psalms with Luther by Martin Luther
Reformation: A History by Patrick Collinson
The Reformation of the Sixteenth Century by Roland Bainton
Reformation Time Line-laminated chart Rose Publishing
Reformation Time Line-pamphlet Rose Publishing
Reformation: How a Monk & Mallet Changed the World by Stephen J. Nichols
The Righteousness of Faith According to Luther by Hans J. Iwand
Selected Writings of Martin Luther (4-volume set) edited by Theodore G. Tappert
Steadfast in Your Word: Daily Reflections from Martin Luther by Martin Luther
Theology of the Lutheran Confessions by Edmund Schlink
Theology to Live By: Practical Luther for the Practicing Christian by Herman A. Preus
This Faith Is Mine: Reflections on Luther's Catechism by R. Z. Meyer
Timeless Bible Truths: The Illustrated Small Catechism Concordia Publishing House
Treatise on Good Works, 1520: Annotated Luther, Study Edition edited by Timothy J. Wengert
The Unholy Trinity: Martin Luther Against the Idols of Me, Myself, and I by Michael A. Lockwood
What Is Marriage Really? By Martin Luther
What Luther Says by Ewald M. Plass
When Lightning Struck! The Story of Martin Luther by Danika Cooley
Why the Reformation Still Matters by Michael Reeves and Tim Chester

Book of Concord CD
Christian History Made Easy: The Reformation DVD
God's Outlaw: The Story of William Tyndale DVD
Heirs of the Reformation: Treasures of the Singing Church CD
Here I Stand: Life & Legacy of Martin Luther DVD
John Hus DVD
John Wycliffe: The Morning Star DVD
Listening to Luther CD
Luther Legacy DVD
Luther: His Life, His Path, His Legacy DVD
Luther DVD
Luther's Small Catechism and Explanation CD
Luther's Works CD-ROM
A Man Named Martin Luther, Part 1: The Man DVD
A Man Named Martin Luther, Part 2: The Moment DVD
Martin! God Loves You DVD
Martin and the Heavenly Tree DVD
Martin Luther Exploring His Life CD-ROM
Martin Luther: A Journey to the Heart of the Reformation DVD
Martin Luther: Hymns, Ballads, Chants, Truth 4-CD set
Martin Luther: Empires- PBS DVD
Martin Luther DVD 
Morning Star of Wittenberg: The Life of Katie Luther DVD
On the Shoulders of Giants: What the Reformers Would Say to Us Today DVD
Opening the Door to Luther DVD
Reformation Overview DVD
Reformation Time Line PowerPoint
Refomation Walk CD
This Changed Everything: 500 Year of the Reformation DVD
Torchlighters: The Martin Luther Story DVD
Torchlighters: The William Tyndale Story DVD
Truth Prevails: The Undying Faith of Jan Hus DVD
Where Luther Walked DVD
William Tyndale: Man with a Mission DVD