The AFLC Heritage Series consists of writings that reflect the Lutheran, pietistic, and Scandinavian The AFLC Heritage Series consists of writings that reflect the Lutheran, pietistic, and Scandinavian heritage of the Association of Free Lutheran Congregations. The writings in the series are of heritage of the Association of Free Lutheran Congregations. The writings in the series are of theological, historical, biographical, or devotional content. The goal of this series is to include new theological, historical, biographical, or devotional content. The goal of this series is to include new works, works previously published, and works not previously translated.


Volume I

Romans: A Devotional Commentary

Verse-by-verse devotional meditations from the book of Romans by well-known Swedish writer and lay evangelist, Carl Rosenius.


Volume II

Free and Living Congregations: The Dream That Would Not Die

In celebration of the 40th Anniversary
of the AFLC, this volume includes chapters on the history of the AFLC, the biblical understanding of the congregation, the role of pastors and lay people in the free church, the annual conference, and selected writings of John P. Strand, the first president of the AFLC.
Book $25.00, Study Guide $5.00


Volume III

They Lived in the Power of God: Lutheran Revival Leaders in Northern Europe

Translated from Finnish, this collection of biographical writings  by Lutheran scholar, Dr. Uuras Saarnivaara, reflects the European heritage of Lutheran congregations in America and includes individuals from Germany, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland, who have significantly impacted spiritual life among Lutherans between 1500 and 1950, such as Hallesby, Hauge, Rosenius, and others.


Volume IV

Footprints of the Faithful:
Fifty Years of the AFLC Mission in Brazil

From a primitive Brazilian frontier through western expansion and to the developing cities, God prepared the groundwork, provided workers to plant the seed, brought about growth in Christ through the Word of God. Though fifty years of mission work have certainly brought challenges, unforeseen circumstances, grief and loss, there is cause for celebration as these historic accounts demonstrate God’s hand, guiding, sustaining, and expanding the work of AFLC–Brazil to the present.


Volume V

One Thing I Seek:
Selected Writings of Francis W. Monseth

Volume V of the AFLC Heritage Series includes selected writings of the late Dr. Francis W. Monseth, longtime dean of the Free Lutheran Seminary. The title One Thing I Seek is based on Psalm 27:4, which was Dr. Monseth’s confirmation verse that guided him throughout his life. We give thanks to God for his life of service at the Free Lutheran Bible School and Seminary and are excited to share this collection with the people of the AFLC and beyond.


The newest Heritage Series volume, “From Freedom to Life: A History of the AFLC” written by Pastor Robert L. Lee.
