
Devotional Reviews

What Jesus Means to Me

Pastor Timothy Skramstad

January 10, 2018

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Pastor Herman Gockel addresses the issue of the meaning of Jesus Christ in the life of a Christian in his devotional style work, "What Jesus Means to Me.” In this rather short book, the subjects of life, pardon, peace, power, provision, companionship, hope, truth, assurance, joy, and heaven are viewed in light of the promises of Jesus and the Bible.

The stated goal of the book is to "lead to a deeper understanding of the glories of the Christian faith and to a firmer confidence in Jesus Christ, our Savior.” This goal is achieved in a powerful manner, not by mere intellectual arguments, but by what the Bible promises the believer. Every page leads the reader to a deeper trust in the Lord. The author uses a few easily understood illustrations and the words of hymns to make his points become clear.

While the book may be read in one sitting, it is profitable to use it as a devotional, reading one chapter a day. Because of the wide range of subjects, it is conceivable that certain chapters will be more precious at one time of life and then another chapter later.

It is suggested on the first page that the book be given as a gift. If it is given as a gift to someone who is having difficulty with a specific area, the giver may want to use a bookmark in a particular chapter, but the entire book is profitable to all who would want a deeper relationship with Christ. If someone is seriously considering becoming a Christian, they would also benefit from reading this and hearing the promises of the Lord. The chapters on life and pardon identify our need of a Savior and how the Lord abundantly forgives us all of our sin. Praise God for this little book that restores hope and confidence in Christ through His Word.

Dr. Timothy Skramdstad
Living Word Lutheran Church
Eagan, MN

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