
Devotional Reviews

Up to Jerusalem: Devotions for Lent and Easter

Pastor Dennis Norby

March 14, 2018

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John A. Braun has provided to us a devotional book entitled Up to Jerusalem: Devotions for Lent and Easter. This book includes 55 devotional readings with each one being made up of a short passage of Scripture, lasting about three pages, and ending with a short prayer. The back cover of the book suggests that it will take around ten minutes to go through each reading. In these pages, the author takes us through the last days of Jesus’ life beginning with the raising of Lazarus from the dead and ending with the Resurrection and Christ’s appearances after Easter.

Many of us, during the Lenten season, have the opportunity to attend midweek services.  These services often have themes that draw our attention to a specific aspect of what was going on during the last days or moments before Christ’s crucifixion. However, the themes might not have a strong stress on the events that chronologically lead to the cross.  On several occasions over the last few years, I found myself surprised how quickly Holy Week had arrived. One of the great strengths of this devotional is that Braun’s collection takes us through the steps “up to Jerusalem.” Because the author has put them together in a chronological order, the reader during Lent will see the approach of the Cross in the activities and teachings of Christ.

The book is written, as the title says, for Lent and Easter but would be a great devotional any time of year. The writing is clear and vivid. At various time, the author shares his reaction to what Jesus was doing and saying, mentioning how the words of Christ convict him and how the Good News brings him joy. In this way, we are reminded that God’s Word is also for us.

The Word of God was written for John A. Braun, and it was written for you. It was written that all of us might hear of what Christ has done for us, going up to Jerusalem as a sacrifice for our sins. This devotional book is a wonderful resource that is easily readable and filled with God’s wonderful news of the finished work of Christ.

Pr. Dennis Norby
Grace Free Lutheran Church
Valley City, ND

Order your copy here: Ambassador Publications Online Store