
Devotional Reviews

Rest a While

Linda Mohagen

September 12, 2018

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“Come and rest a while.” Mark 6:31 is the first verse you read in this book, and how appealing it is. First, come . . . set yourself apart in a quiet place and come to the Word. Secondly, rest a little while . . . this isn’t always easy in this fast-paced life we live. But when I take a few minutes in the early morning and pick up this little devotional book, I find myself digging into that verse in my Bible and don’t realize that I just spent an hour or more reading and studying!

Wisloff has a way with “word pictures,” such as in his August 14th devotion. “Therefore we must pay the closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it” (Hebrews 2:1). He says, “to drift requires no effort whatever. All one needs to do is let himself be carried away by the current; then one will drift. The stream of life is powerful; and it flows away from God and from what we have heard. And we are easily carried away by the current.” He then tells us what we should do: “for this reason we must get a firm footing, otherwise the stream will sweep us off our feet.” Where to find this? “And this firm footing is to be found nowhere but in the Word of God which we have heard.” 

“Believe the Word. Live on the Word. Let God’s message to you in the Bible be the firm foundation of your life, and you will be rescued from the stream. Pay close attention to what you have heard, lest you drift away from it.”

I am really enjoying this little devotional book with Wisloff’s wonderful insights to God’s Word, his unique “word pictures” that relate so well with the verses he shares, and the simplicity in his explanations making the verses “speak” to you, pointing right to the heart!

I recommend this small devotional book with its short but very meaningful messages directing us unequivocally to our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus. 

Linda Mohagen
Slim Buttes Lutheran Church
Reva, SD

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