
Devotional Reviews

Devotional Thoughts, Vols. 1 & 2

Pastor David Johnson

January 23, 2019

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When you hear the name of Carl Olof Rosenius, you may think of his classic titles, The Believer Free from the LawA Faithful Guide to Peace with God, or his devotional resource, Day by Day with God. But few are aware of his two-volume resource, Devotional Thoughts, which provides six months of devotional readings in each volume.

The back cover describes Rosenius as “a well-known name among Christians in Scandinavia. He was born on February 3, 1816, in the parish of Nysätra within the province of Västerbotten, Sweden. His father was a faithful clergyman. Carl Olof became one of the leaders of the great revival during the nineteenth century.” Though Rosenius only lived to age 52, his accomplishments were significant. “Besides preaching and individual counseling, he was an author and an editor of the magazine: Pietisten (The Pietist), which began in 1842. The circulation rose to 10,000 in the 1850s. . . . The common theme in his writings is the two truths of Christianity: the sinfulness of man and the grace of God through Christ.”

The two volumes of Devotional Thoughts are actually a revision of a translated Rosenius work, Moments of Rest with the Word of God (1903). It was not to be a replacement or competition for the well-respected Rosenius devotional, Day by Day with God. But as the forward states, “This book of devotionals is adapted specially to the younger generation and to all seeking souls who also in our generation need a clear and guiding word as to the way of salvation.”

Each day’s devotional begins with a Scripture passage, followed by a concise but deeply rich application of the text. It isn’t uncommon to find an occasional quote (often from Luther), a pertinent verse from a hymn, or a timely illustration that impacts even the twenty-first century believer. The instruction of Rosenius’ words proves to be timeless in its application, but easily understood for even the average Christian seeker. Each devotional runs roughly only one page in length, but the challenge will last a lifetime. If you are a fan of the Oswald Chambers devotionals, you will love this beloved Lutheran Pietist devotional author, Carl Olof Rosenius.

Pr. David Johnson
Living Faith Lutheran Church
Boyertown, PA

Order your copies of Volume 1 and Volume 2 through the Ambassador Publications Store.